
Mavka #

is a collection of tools to parse, store, and communicate MAVLink data written in Rust.

Maviola #

A high-level MAVLink communication library based on Mavio.

Mavio #

A minimalistic library for transport-agnostic MAVLink communication.

MAVSpec #

A code-generator for MAVLink.

Why Mavka? #

We want to create a robust modular MAVLink toolchain allowing to use Rust both on embedded device, companion computers, and over the communication infrastructure. The key pieces are:

  • MAVSpec for code generation and ad-hoc dialect construction.
  • Mavio for transport-agnostic MAVLink I/O with emphasis on embedded devices.
  • Maviola for high-level MAVLink communication with abstractions like communication nodes, networks, routing, and MAVLink devices.

Our goal is to make Rust ecosystem a compelling choice for UAV-related projects both on the edge devices and at the ground station level. We hope that our work will be helpful for those who are already using Rust in their MAVLink infrastructure and those who are considering to adopt Rust for their next endeavour.

MAVLink is a lightweight open protocol for communicating between drones, onboard components and ground control stations. It is used by such autopilots like PX4 or ArduPilot. MAVLink has simple and compact serialization model. The basic abstraction is message which can be sent through a link (UDP, TCP, UNIX socket, UART, whatever) and deserialized into a struct with fields of primitive types or arrays of primitive types. Such fields can be additionally restricted by enum variants, annotated with metadata like units of measurements, default or invalid values.

There are several MAVLink dialects. Official dialect definitions are XML files that can be found in the MAVlink repository. Based on message abstractions, MAVLink defines so-called microservices that specify how clients should respond on a particular message under certain conditions or how they should initiate a particular action.

First of all, there is an official MAVLink client for Rust worth mentioning: rust-mavlink. One of the reasons behind writing this library was the desire to decouple parser and code generator into the separate projects.

We were personally inspired by gomavlib library for MAVLink (Go). We like the way it is written, and its source code helped us in several cases when official MAVLink documentation wasn’t clear enough.

If you want to autogenerate language bindings and prefer Python, you might be interested in the official mavgen code-generation tool. If you are looking for a router for MAVLink messages, then we suggest mavp2p. If you want a solution that supports MAVLink microservices, then it worth checking MAVSDK that uses gRPC API.

MAVLink is almost 15 years old, but the ecosystem around this protocol is still dynamic and developing. Some projects are stable and robust, while others are nice and feature-rich but incomplete.

License #

Following Rust API Guidelines, all project within Mavka family are licensed under either of

You can choose the option that suits you best.